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You can be at peace during the next winter storm.

A grandma and granddaughter smiling at the camera

Life is busy. We'll fix your frozen pipe issue for you.

In 2021, our home state of Texas went through a horrible winter storm, Uri. Families were without power and heat in record breaking cold temperatures. Pipes began to burst and homes began to flood while others tried to make sure their house would not flood.


When people's hopes weren't enough to stop their homes from being destroyed from water damage, we said "enough is enough". 


We created Antifreeze because in the 21st century no one should have to get under a sink with a hair dryer to stop their kitchen pipe from bursting. 


We created Antifreeze, so you can continue to be with your family, do what you love, and continue to change the world without worrying about unnecessary issues. 

The process for working for us:


Fill out the contact form


We'll call you and create a custom quote


We'll schedule your installation

Ready to get started?

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